Yuval Noah Harari | Is Daniel 7:25 Being Fulfilled By Yuval Noah Harari? "Money Is a Fiction. What Is the Last Thing That Still Holds American Society Together? The Value of the Dollar Is Purely An Imaginary Reality." + Doctor Sherwood
Meehan | Doctor Jim Meehan, MD Updates: "Jim Meehan, is currently battling a very aggressive squamous cell carcinoma cancer of the tongue and lymph node
Jim Breuer | Text 918-851-0102 for Tickets | 5 Tickets Remain for ReAwaken America Tour Tulsa, OK (3.23.23) Featuring: Jim Breuer, Dr. Immanuel, Mel K, Amanda Grace, Dr. Gold, Doctor Sherwood, Pastor Benjamin, Amanda Grace, & Team America
Autism | "When I Was a Child the Rate of Autism Was 1 In 10,000. The CDC Says the Rate Today Is 1 In 36." + "Autism 1970’s 1:10,000 Today 1:36! Whatever Is Causing It Is Moving Fast." - Doctor Peter McCullough
HOLY COW!!! What Is In Our Food?!? Food Security HOLY COW!!! What Is In Our Food?!? Food Security | Why Are COVID-19 Vaccines Being Put In Our Food? Doctor Jason "Storm" Nelson
Dr. Jane Ruby | “Humans Are Hackable Animals.” - Yuval Noah Harari | Why Are Doctors Pushing COVID Shots? Why Does Everyone Know About Spurs 7 Foot Rookie & Swift Dating a Chief & Not Nanotechnology In the Shots?