2 years agoPARENTS' DOING THEIR BEST IS NOT AN EXCUSE TO MESS UP KIDS - Dan Peña | #shorts #danpenaCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoHOW TO GET EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT! - Dan Peña On Guthrie Castle | Abundance Mindset #danpena #shortsCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoSECRET TO PRODUCTIVITY - Dan Peña | Abundance Mindset #SHORTS #danpenaCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoI'M NOT A SAVE THE WORLD GUY - Dan Peña | Abundance Mindset #SHORTS #DANPENACreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoGREATEST TRANSFORMATION IN THE HISTORY OF WEALTH - Dan Peña | Abundance Mindset #shorts #danpenaCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoLAW OF ATTRACTION WORKS - Dan Peña| Abundance Mindset #shorts #danpenaCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoHOW MEN CONQUERED THE WORLD; MANHOOD IS DETERIORATING - Dan Peña |Abundance Mindset #shorts #danpenaCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoYOU KNOW ANY REAL MEN? - Dan Peña | Abundance Mindset #SHORTS #danpenaCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoSTEVE JOBS KNEW NOTHING ABOUT COMPUTERS - Robert Greene #shorts #stevejobs #robertgreeneCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoSTOP BEING POLITICALLY CORRECT - Dan Peña | DONALD TRUMP | STEVE JOBS | #SHORTS #danpena #stevejobsCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoLEARN TO BE SELFISH OR YOU WILL FAIL - Dan Peña | Abundance Mindset #FAIL #shorts #selfish #danpenaCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoDan Peña tells a hilarious story | Abundance Mindset #SHORTS #DANPENACreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoARE YOU AFRAID? - Dan Peña | Create Quantum Wealth | Abundance #shorts #DANPENACreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoSteve Jobs Slaughters Journalist on Live TV | Abundance Mindset #billionairemindsetCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoHOW MONEY CHANGES LIVES - Dan Peña | Abundance Mindset #shorts #danpenaCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoAFFIRMATIONS WORK LIKE MAGIC FOR YOU - Dan PeñA |Abundance Mindset #shorts #danpenaCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoYOU GOTTA MAN YOUR DEAL UP - Best of Dan Peña | Abundance Mindset #shortsCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoGET OFF SOCIAL MEDIA! - Dan PeñA | Abundance Mindset #shorts #selfish #danpenaCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years ago99.99% BITCOIN OWNERS ARE MORONS - Dan Peña | #SHORTS #BITCOIN #CRYPTO #WEALTH | Abundance MindsetCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoDO WHAT YOU DON'T WANT TO! - DAVID GOGGINS | Abundance Mindset #SHORTS #DAVIDGOOGINSCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoMENTAL TOUGHNESS: MY LIFE HAS NO FINISH LINE! - DAVID GOGGINS | Abundance Mindset #shorts #danpenaCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoThe Real News vs. Mainstream Media Fake "News" - A Different View with Patriot44YourWatchman44Verified