ReAwaken Tour Builds Momentum As General Flynn, MALIK OBAMA (Obama's Truth-Exposing Half-Brother), Eric & Lara Trump, Pastor Benjamin, Patel, Dr. Mikovits, Amanda Grace & Roger Stone Head to Miami, FL Oct. 13-14 2023
Yuval Noah Harari | "The Acronym AI It Traditionally Stood for Artificial Intelligence. But I Think It Should Stand for Alien Intelligence. It's An Alien Kind of Intelligence." + "This Is the End of Human History." - 9/17/2023
Tucker Carlson | Tucker Carlson’s Epic Wilmington Speech of October 5th 2023 + Barry Hinckley | Is It Time for a ReDeclaration of Independence? Why Tucker Carlson’s Wilmington Speech Was a Wakeup Call for So Many? + Barry Hinckley
Banking Collapse | "The Office Occupancy Rate In New York City Is 49.5%. The Banks Are Going to Go BUST. The Delinquency Rate for Office Buildings Has Increased By More Than 1,000% from Jan 2023 to Jan 2024." - Gerald Celente
Maui Fires | "Japanese And Local Astronomers Said a Chinese Satellite Has Been Caught On Video Beaming Down Green Lasers Over the Hawaiin Islands." - February 11th 2023 (KHON2 News) + The Maui Fires Explained (FULL LENGTH VERSION)
Klaus Schwab | "Who Masters the Fourth Industrial Revolution? What We Will See Is a Race for Leadership In the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We Will Have In November An Artificial Intelligence Meeting In San Francisco" - Klaus Schwab (9/11/2023)
Countdown Clock | "King Charles Helped Turn On a Climate Clock, Counting Down the Seconds to 2030." - June 28th 2023 + White House "U.S. & Leaders Came Together to Recommit to the 2030 Agenda." - White House (9/20/23)
The Bible | Yuval Noah Harari | "Think About Religions of the Book, Judaism, Christianity, Islam They Get Authority to a Text. Now You Have Technologies for the Text to Speak to You." "AI Can Even Write a New Bible." - 6/6/2023
H.R.6090 | Antisemitism Awareness Act of 2023 | Is U.S. Dollar About to Collapse? Who Is Yuval Noah Harari? 98% of Central Banks Are Researching, Piloting or Deploying CBDC." - World Economic Forum (4/16/24)
Elon Musk | Watch Highlights of Elon Musk's November 30th 2023 NY Times Interview Including: 42, Neuralink, Tesla, Artificial Intelligence, Self-Driving Cars, & The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
DeDollarization | "The U.S. Dollar Role As Reserve Currency Is Also Going to Decline." - John Pang (Oct 9th 2023) + "It's Bigger Than Losing Any World War If the Dollar Doesn't Remain the World's Reserve Currency." - Don