Lance Wallnau | "We Have 30 Million. And The 10 Million Catholics That Are Spiritually Aligned To Push Back On The Gates Of Hell. That Is One Half Of The Voting Body."
Artificial Intelligence | "You Can Connect Several Brains Together. For Things Like Identity, Who Am I When I Can Access the Brain of Another Person?" - Yuval Noah Harari + "We Will Connect Wirelessly Our Neocortex to the Cloud." - Ra
Artificial Intelligence | "We Are Going to Think About How We Share Wealth In A Very Different Way Than We Have In the Past. Is It Some Sort of Universal Basic Income?" - Sam Altman (Elon Musk founded OpenAI in 2015 w/ Sam Altman)
Jennifer Jacobson Brusa | "I Had Someone Write Me And Say 'I Hope Cancer Finds You And Your Family You Worthless Un-American Human Being' But I Bless Them. I Renounce That But I'm Fighting For Their Opinion."
COVID Vaccines | "Ideally Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari (Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor Praised by Obama, Zuckerberg, Gates, Stanford, Harvard, MIT, TEDTalks, New York Times, WEF, etc.)
CBDC | "Your Body Is Your Wallet." - Todd Callender | "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari (Lead Advisor for Klaus Schwab Praised By Obama, Zuckerberg & Gates)
Elon Musk | Does X Mark the Spot? What Do Elon Musk, Klaus Schwab, Xi Jinping & Yuval Noah Harari Agree On Universal Basic Income, mRNA Under the Skin, Carbon Footprint Tracking & Connecting Brains to the Internet?
Yuval Noah Harari | "They Key Issue Is the Emerging Ability to HACK Human Beings. Then You Can Completely Manipulate Them." - Yuval Noah Harari + "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari
SATAN | Where Does Satan Dwelleth? Why Are CERN, the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization And GAVI (The Global Alliance for Vaccines & Immunizations Headquartered in Geneva Where Antipas Was Martyred?
Andy Stanley | Andy Stanley Shares His Theological Views On Infidelity. Homosexuality, Mean Cheating On Their Wives with Other Men, Church Membership Etc. | "PLEASE LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS, I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU." - Clay Clark