2 years agoLoose Leash Walking. Let's go. Doesn't have to be perfect, just start! That's the hardest partProfessional Dog Training Service and Education
4 years agowalk Ares Jack Russell the first month is like playing in dog park.😅Wonder Dog Ares a Jack Russell Terrier
3 years agoHow to Teach The First 7 Things To Your Dog: Sit, Leave it, Come, Leash walking, NameOshiG
3 years agoHow to train Puppy to walk on a leash-14 weeks and up puppies that stop and are scared or stubbornSandouce
3 years agoTeach ANY dog to walk nice on the leash | 5 MINUTE DOG TRAINING RESULTS!Animal Training / Smart Animals
3 years agoHow to Teach The First 7 Things To Your Dog: Sit, Leave it, Come, Leash walking, Name and so onAnson0
3 years agoLeash aggression towards other dogs- How to Get Your Reactive Dog Under Control While on a WalkHow to love your dog