Wall Street Uses Tarot Readers? Barrie Dolnick: “Billionaires Use Metaphysics, Millionaires Don’t! I Have a Gift in Prophecy, But it’s a 2-Way Street.. it’s Up to You.” | Nostradamus: “The Reasonable Learn From My Prophecies THE RIGHT PATH!”
The Next Major Learning Curve (Expanding While Many Around You do Not), and the Major Planetary Chaos That has Happened and Will be Happening to Reinforce This Learning Curve—and How to Deal! [Links in Description ⬇️]
'I Learned to Let Go of the Illusion That We Can Possess. I Travel in Stillness and Remember Happiness!' An Ideal Perspective for Saying Goodbye. “I’ll Remember (Alternate Orbital Mix)” by Madonna.
User's Guide to Reincarnation: Different Ways Souls Come in and Choose Their Earth Families! — Sometimes They're Familiar, Sometimes They're COMPLETE STRANGERS ("Gotta GO!"), But Everyone is Always Learning. | Regina Meredith