Rothschilds knew that Palestine was a strategic place for the crimes they planned to commit/Milton Downgraded To Dangerous Cat. 4 As Crosshairs Locked On Florida's Gulf Coast/is this still going in our fast food places
FOC Show: True Origins of COVID… Closing in on Fauci; What the W.H.O. is Planning Next... - Reggie Littlejohn; mRNA IS in Food - There’s ONLY 1 Way to Stop This! - Attorney Thomas Renz
Top Scientists Sound the Alarm: ‘Dead Humans Being Pumped Into U.S. Food Supply’/Canadian Fashion Multi-Millionaire Peter Nygard Sentenced in Toronto Court to 11 Years in Jail for Sexual Assault/Economist Edward Dowd Warns of Major Market Correction i
Ontario Canada - Trucker Warning You About Massive Food & Building Materials & Products Shortages Comming With The Trucker Mandates !! BETTER WAKE UP AND GET OFF YOUR ASSES AND DO SOMETHING TO STOP IT!! #NoVaxxPass