Alex Collier with Major News/Heads Up: White Hat Military Worldwide About to Step in! (11/19/22) [ Pure Rumor and the Ultimate Hopeum Until it isn’t—OPINION ONLYYYYY!!! ]
WE in 5D: “As with Even the MOST Revered by Me (Kerry Cassidy, Alex Jones, Whoever) I NEVER Agree with Every Single Little Detail They Divulge—I’ll Give Greer the Benefit of the Doubt That He Wants to Warn of Project Blue Beam Through any Means.“
JUST DIED: Son of YouTube CEO Who Directly Banned Alex Jones! | WE in 5D: He Must've Not Been Able to Handle the Earth-School too Well, Not to Mention Being a Part of a Family of Illuminati Minions/Flunkies!
11/4/20 Flashback—They Told Me (WEin5D), Then I Told You: ‘You’re Not Getting Out of This Til You Feel the Devil’s Hot Breath on the Back of Your Neck!’ | Dan Bongino: ‘Trust NOT a Word from the FBI!’ Alex Jones: ‘80% of Gov. are Pedos!’
Vintage Alex Jones (2010–2020): He Told You ALL up to a Decade Before it Happened, and all He Did was Read THEIR OWN Written Literature! In Other Words, He Fucking Paid Attention. | Replacement Migration—The Globalist Plan To Destroy The West
Elon Musk "Clone" (Not Really, BUT MAYBE, or it's Just Musk Incognito Calling Himself "Adrian Dittmann"?) Tells Alex Jones, "It's Easier to Destroy Than Create!" and it's Why the Illuminati Do What They Do.
Mike Lindell is Semi-Ashamed of His Shadow(Work), as Seen Through His Leaked Deposition Footage from Frivolous Prosecution — Alex Jones Reassures Mike He Has Fans Over it!