1. There will be times when YOU are Tired from doing continual Good, but there is Peace from the LORD!

    There will be times when YOU are Tired from doing continual Good, but there is Peace from the LORD!

  2. Your Master in Heaven is waiting to hear from YOU, as You consistently pray to him!

    Your Master in Heaven is waiting to hear from YOU, as You consistently pray to him!

  3. You are made complete when God's presence floods your life, and have an abundance in EVERYTHING!

    You are made complete when God's presence floods your life, and have an abundance in EVERYTHING!

  4. There is only ONE Faith, and one HOLY SPIRIT bringing us into perfect UNITY through the LORD Jesus!

    There is only ONE Faith, and one HOLY SPIRIT bringing us into perfect UNITY through the LORD Jesus!

  5. You can LEAN in on and have complete CONFIDENCE in the LORD Jesus for YOU, and for EVERYONE!

    You can LEAN in on and have complete CONFIDENCE in the LORD Jesus for YOU, and for EVERYONE!

  6. There is JOY when YOU Pray for those You KNOW that are hurting!

    There is JOY when YOU Pray for those You KNOW that are hurting!

  7. The LOVE of Money has caused people to depart the FAITH for EVIL, and we are to STAND against Evil!

    The LOVE of Money has caused people to depart the FAITH for EVIL, and we are to STAND against Evil!

  8. Competition will keep YOU entangled in the affairs of the world, instead be focused on your CALLING!

    Competition will keep YOU entangled in the affairs of the world, instead be focused on your CALLING!

  9. You can receive a BREAKTHROUGH when YOU help others in their time of need!

    You can receive a BREAKTHROUGH when YOU help others in their time of need!

  10. The LORD Jesus is Supreme over EVERYTHING, and it must be subjected to his will, plan and purpose!

    The LORD Jesus is Supreme over EVERYTHING, and it must be subjected to his will, plan and purpose!

  11. The moment YOU are Born Again all your sins are Forgiven and there is no longer a sacrifice for it!

    The moment YOU are Born Again all your sins are Forgiven and there is no longer a sacrifice for it!

  12. Strengthen Your Faith, Pray in the Holy Spirit, and Abide in the LOVE of Jesus!

    Strengthen Your Faith, Pray in the Holy Spirit, and Abide in the LOVE of Jesus!

  13. How do you receive from the LORD what YOU are asking for him to do in your life?

    How do you receive from the LORD what YOU are asking for him to do in your life?

  14. Let the LORD Develop YOU, and Do NOT Force the MIRACLE that HE is Producing in your Life!

    Let the LORD Develop YOU, and Do NOT Force the MIRACLE that HE is Producing in your Life!

  15. You have to TRUST God even when there is no EVIDENCE of it in the NATURAL for the MIRACLE!

    You have to TRUST God even when there is no EVIDENCE of it in the NATURAL for the MIRACLE!

  16. Judgement comes for the Wicked that have used their riches for pleasure, and not for the KINGDOM!

    Judgement comes for the Wicked that have used their riches for pleasure, and not for the KINGDOM!

  17. When the LORD Jesus arrives will he find YOU blameless in his sight, and obedience to him?

    When the LORD Jesus arrives will he find YOU blameless in his sight, and obedience to him?

  18. Injustice and Evil will ALWAYS be present in the World, and your words will impact your environment!

    Injustice and Evil will ALWAYS be present in the World, and your words will impact your environment!

  19. Your FAITH is Secure when you place your TRUST, and CONFIDENCE in the LORD Jesus!

    Your FAITH is Secure when you place your TRUST, and CONFIDENCE in the LORD Jesus!

  20. You are what You Practice, and You can live a life that honors God!

    You are what You Practice, and You can live a life that honors God!

  21. Be Determined to receive your BREAKTHROUGH, and do not QUIT until IT HAPPENS!

    Be Determined to receive your BREAKTHROUGH, and do not QUIT until IT HAPPENS!

  22. You don't have to be Anxious to hear from the LORD, if YOU will just WAIT on him!

    You don't have to be Anxious to hear from the LORD, if YOU will just WAIT on him!

  23. You can receive from the LORD with the right motive, and with a pure heart!

    You can receive from the LORD with the right motive, and with a pure heart!
