4 months agoThere will be times when YOU are Tired from doing continual Good, but there is Peace from the LORD!drock5690
4 months agoYour Master in Heaven is waiting to hear from YOU, as You consistently pray to him!drock5690
4 months agoYou are made complete when God's presence floods your life, and have an abundance in EVERYTHING!drock5690
4 months agoThere is only ONE Faith, and one HOLY SPIRIT bringing us into perfect UNITY through the LORD Jesus!drock5690
4 months agoYou can LEAN in on and have complete CONFIDENCE in the LORD Jesus for YOU, and for EVERYONE!drock5690
4 months agoThe LOVE of Money has caused people to depart the FAITH for EVIL, and we are to STAND against Evil!drock5690
3 months agoCompetition will keep YOU entangled in the affairs of the world, instead be focused on your CALLING!drock5690
3 months agoThe LORD Jesus is Supreme over EVERYTHING, and it must be subjected to his will, plan and purpose!drock5690
3 months agoThe moment YOU are Born Again all your sins are Forgiven and there is no longer a sacrifice for it!drock5690
3 months agoHow do you receive from the LORD what YOU are asking for him to do in your life?drock5690
2 months agoLet the LORD Develop YOU, and Do NOT Force the MIRACLE that HE is Producing in your Life!drock5690
2 months agoYou have to TRUST God even when there is no EVIDENCE of it in the NATURAL for the MIRACLE!drock5690
3 months agoJudgement comes for the Wicked that have used their riches for pleasure, and not for the KINGDOM!drock5690
2 months agoWhen the LORD Jesus arrives will he find YOU blameless in his sight, and obedience to him?drock5690
3 months agoInjustice and Evil will ALWAYS be present in the World, and your words will impact your environment!drock5690
1 month agoYour FAITH is Secure when you place your TRUST, and CONFIDENCE in the LORD Jesus!drock5690
1 month agoYou don't have to be Anxious to hear from the LORD, if YOU will just WAIT on him!drock5690