3 months agoBill Gates Calls for ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ |To Be Censored by AIA Voice Heard In The HeavensVerified
2 years agoLIVE: Vaxxed Blood KILLS Newborn Baby After LETHAL Blood Transfusion, Mother SPEAKS OUT!Stew Peters NetworkVerified
1 year agoGlobalists Want Livestock mRNA VAXXED: SHOCK REPORT: Vaxxed Cows Produce POISONOUS mRNA MilkStew Peters NetworkVerified
1 year agoLIVE: U.K. Deaths SURGE Among VAXXED Adults, RINO TN Gov. Backs RED FLAG Law, Carlson BREAKS SILENCEStew Peters NetworkVerified
1 year agoInfants Born With HEART DISEASE: Vaxxed Moms Birthing Babies With DEFECTS & MYOCARDITISStew Peters NetworkVerified
2 years agoLIVE: EXCLUSIVE: J5 Letter to Pence Proves Treason, Vaxx Cmte Lied to Get Approval, Nurse KidnappedStew Peters NetworkVerified
5 months agoWHO Director-General Tedros It's time to be more aggressive in pushing back on anti-vaxxersGlobal_communist_takeover1
1 year agoChase Bank De-banks Anti Vaxxer Mercola AND HIS FAMILY -- Stalinism Arrives in USARechargeFreedom
9 months agoGlobal Elites Declares War on Dangerous Anti-Vaxxers Who Must Be Stripped of Human Rightsjess93
8 months agoDel Bigtree's message to Peter Hotez: "I am the anti-vaxxer you were talking about here!"Asher Press
2 years agoHe said,” THEY WANT TO KILL US ALL” after his DOCTOR recommended shot. Stand against Anti- vaxxersOttawatian
2 years agoVaxxed Blood KILLS Baby Infant Develops Blood Clot From Knee To Heart After Vaxxed Blood TransfusionStew Peters NetworkVerified
1 year agoDr. Rashid Buttar DIES SUDDENLY: Anti-Vaxx Doctor Claims POISONING Days Before Mysterious DEATHStew Peters NetworkVerified
2 years agoLIVE: Pfizer World Order Rises As Vaxxed Die Suddenly, Australia Sounds Alarm On Food ShortagesStew Peters NetworkVerified
1 year agoMan sick of "ANTI-VAXXER BS" days away from being killed by VAXX induced CANCERBiological Medicine
1 year agoThe Anti-Vaccine Movement Goes Mainstream, FOIA Request Yields Bombshell FindingsSunfellow On COVID-19
9 months agoThe serious challenge that's posed by the (Smart) anti-vaxxers LOL and we need to really push backThe Truth Is Coming Out