6 months agoNino Rodriguez with Jim Willie - INSIDER WHISTLEBLOWER REVEALS... Nesara Gesara IS REAL?SierraDelta
3 days agoDr. Scott Young- Get Ready 3.21.25- Trump Activated Nesara-Gesara & Delete The FED!Clif_High
1 month agoThe real NESERA as the farmers land claims of the 1970's & 80's (N.E.S.A.R.A. National Economic Security & Reformation Act ) Part 1USAMidtermElections
11 days agoBOMBSHELL!! Trump Just Announced NESARA / GESARA And Trump Holding His Ace!!!Present Updates
23 days agoSituation Update 2/28/25 - Trump Makes It Official: The IRS is Dead; NESARA Announcement50 USC 1550