11 months agoIn Brazil, Ciro explains how LULA's thieving government dealt another 93 billion blow to the peoplestrsoft
1 year agoCom viagem a China LULA se tornou uma ameaça a paz mundial - ladrão ataca os EUA e a União EuropeiaGustavo Gayer
2 months agoIn Brazil, Faria Lima awakens: 90% of the market disapproves of Lula's thieving governmentstrsoft
7 months agoThe thief has an owner The one who controls LULA is no longer Janja There are two Batista brothersstrsoft
1 year agoin Brazil another scandal - Satanist who supported LULA says he was hired by the thief's teamstrsoft
2 years agoDENÚNCIA - A FRAUDE de Lula no Flow Podcast, não tem jeito não uma vez ladrão sempre ladrão em tudo.strsoft
1 year agoPT quer que o conselho de ética da câmara casse os mandatos dos deputados do PL. Xingaram o Lula!GenivalFagundes