2 years agoAfter The Chosen triumph at Box Office, Jonathan Roumie shines in Fox News interviewtoPeople
1 year agoJonathan Roumie urges everyone to look for the face of God through prayer and reading His WordtoPeople
1 year agoJonathan Roumie is urging us to pray for those that their heart grew cold towards GodtoPeople
2 years agoJonathan Roumie speaks about what it meant to him to play Lonnie Freesbie from Jesus RevolutiontoPeople
2 years agoJonathan Roumie shines in an interview on Fox13 talking about box office hit Jesus RevolutiontoPeople
11 months agoJonathan Roumie is praying in aramaic the prayer Our Father- iconic moments and deeply touchingtoPeople
1 year agoJonathan Roumie is interviewed by H.Allan Scott from Newsweek- awesome podcast-Jesus takes HollywoodtoPeople
1 year agoLara Silva aka Eden from the Chosen celebrates life- amazing photoshoot with her baby bump- stunningtoPeople
4 months agoJonathan Roumie in his latest interview on EWTN speaks about Jonathan & Jesus and The ChosentoPeople
1 year agoJonathan Roumie's latest interview in France promoting the The Chosen Season Three in frenchtoPeople
1 year agoJonathan Roumie gives an interview to CBN in Atlanta at the launching of The Chosen Season ThreetoPeople
1 year agoJonathan Roumie in his latest Fox News Interview speaking about The Chosen Season Four &HallowtoPeople
1 year agoJonathan Roumie gives an interview to Busted Halo talking about his work on Hallow apptoPeople
1 year agoJonathan Roumie latest interview on Fox&Friends - speaking about how playing Jesus changed his lifetoPeople
1 year agoLatest interview of Jonathan Roumie &Dallas Jenkins on CBS NEWS- Powerful outreaching and testimonytoPeople
1 year agoJonathan Roumie's super funny &hilarious interview at L A,World premiere of the Chosen Season FourtoPeople
1 year agoJonathan Roumie gives an interview at London Premiere of the Chosen Season Four- awesome as usualtoPeople
1 year agoJonathan Roumie and his retro hat- speaking about heart shattering moments in The Chosen Season FourtoPeople
1 year agoMartha MacCallum full interview- Jonathan Roumie and Father Enrique Salvo Ash Wednesday & HallowtoPeople
1 year agoJonathan Roumie and Liz Tabish gave an interview to PIX11 NEWS New York talking about the ChosentoPeople
1 year agoJonathan Roumie & Father Enrique Salvo are interviewed by Martha MacCallum for Ash WednesdaytoPeople