The Great Reset | ELON MUSK Explains the Great Reset Agenda, "This Is Sounding Increasingly Like a Black Mirror Episode. Everything That Is Encoded In Memory You Could Upload. You Download Your Memories Into a New Body or a Robot Body."
Elon Musk | "We Might Be Headed to a Bimodal Human Intelligence Distribution, More Like Brave New World, Aldous Huxley. A Small Group of Very Smart Humans, But Average Intelligence Drifts Lower Over Time." - 2/12/2025
Robert & Jaime Agee | Is a Red Wave Headed for America? "I Think the RED Wave That Is Coming Will Be Like the Elevator Doors Opening Up In the Shining." - Joe Rogan
King Charles | "We Are Literally At the Last Hour, I Hope You Will Join Me for a Martial Like Plan...This Will Take Trillions and Not Billions of Dollars. We Need a Vast Military Style Plan."
Elon Musk | "You Must Understand There Is Not a Whole Lot of Human Beings Like You? If There Was One An Intelligence Being That We Created. Like Some AI Creature." - Joe Rogan + "I Am An Alien. It's True." - Elon Musk 9/7/2018