General Flynn | General Flynn Calls for an Intellectual Debate Between Alex Jones, Truth Tellers & Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates & the World Economic Forum Self-Proclaimed Elites (Listen to Full Conversation - See Show Description)
Tucker Carlson & Alex Jones | "The Ruling Elites of the World, the Black Rocks, The State Streets, They Are On Record Saying They Don't Want Our Consumer Society, But They Are the Biggest Consumers Compared to Anybody Else In the World."
Jack Smith | Jack Smith Florida Case Stalls: Roger Stone and Alex Jones Respond + Self-Replicating Nanobots Found in both the Vaxxed & UnVaxxed + Is Their Justice Or Is Their Just Us? With Attorney Tricia Lindsay
Disease X | Did Alex Jones Predict the "Disease X" Scare On June 17th 2018? "Although COVID Came Immediately We Were Preparing for COVID Like Diseases. You May Even Call COVID the First of Diseases X." - Tedros (January 17th 2024)
Tucker Carlson / Alex Jones | "You Live Among Liberals Now, What Do You Make of Them? What Are They Like?" - Tucker Carlson + "They Live In High-Rises. They Get Food Delivered to Them. They Are Not In Reality. They Don't Have Common Se
Tucker Carlson / Alex Jones | "Yuval Noah Harari Says the Future Is Not Human And That the Population Is No Longer Needed." - Alex + "The Biggest Question Of the Coming Decades Will Be What to Do With All of These Useless People?" - Yu
Blockbuster | Jim Breuer LIVE In Concert In Tulsa, Oklahoma (March 23rd 2023) | The BLOCK BUSTER SIGN Is Now Being Installed Just In Time for the ReAwaken America Tour March 23rd 2023 Event!!!
Jim Breuer On Joe Rogan | Jim Breuer EXPOSES the Trafficking Messaging In Pinocchio, Treasure Island & Epstein's Island | Join Jim Breuer, Eric Trump, General Flynn, Dr. Mikovits, Kash Patel, Amanda Grace & Team America On ReAwaken America
The Great Reset | "We Have Cars That Drive Themselves & That Is a Convenience Now. Soon There Won't Be a Steering Wheel. So We've Got Alot to Look Forward To." - Jim Carrey
Tucker Carlson & Alex Jones | "(Trump) Has 60% Against All Other Republicans. He's 15-20 Points Ahead of Biden. I Got 2 Subpoenas Last Week..And I Got Subpoenaed On Trump's Criminal Trial In Georgia..I'm Not Going to Back Down.&quo