Biden Clown Show: "Not a joke.. you think I'm kidding.. holy mackerel.. when I got in a plane & went to South Korea, they said, what the heck are you doing Joe?.. Violent crime rates are falling all across the nation..."
Biden Clown Show: "I work for Kamala Harris.. and Doug, our 1st 2nd gentleman ha ha ha.. 15 million new jobs.. the dog is cheering for that.. we're seeing a 50 year low in violent crime in America... not on our watch."
Biden Clown Show: "An awful lot of people.. even they pay their loans, their debt increases.. my dad used to say, Joey a, uh, a paycheck is about more than a, uh.. and the economy is growing, it's growing job income across the board."
Biden Clown Show: "Who do I call on next? Hang on a second. I got my list here... why don't everybody holler at once?.. elect me, I'm in the 20th Century... there is no ban to Japan!"
Biden ice-cream social Clown Show: "Billionaires' tax rate is 8.3%. We made them pay only 23%. So they're not paying 15%. I'm not joking. A lot of people still struggling since we ended the pandemic, since I ended the pandemic..."