Entrepreneur | Clay Clark Teaches the Importance of Designing Your Ideal Life & the Importance of Setting Goals In the Following Areas of Your Life & More Including: Family, Friends, Fitness, Friendship, Finances, Fun & ______?!
Think And Grow Rich | Listen to the Think & Grow Rich FULL AUDIO BOOK | "This book changed my life when I first applied the principles found in this book (1999-2000). However, if anything in this book conflicts w/ The Bible. Go w/ The Bible."
Business Podcasts | Why Excellence Is Not Common In Life & In Business, Why No One Drifts to Success + How to Build An Excellent Business Based Upon Excellent Systems + Consistency Is King!!! + Search Engine Optimization Domination 101
Entrepreneurship Podcasts | The Importance of Product, Service Design & Life Design + "Pay Attention to Design. We Made Buttons on the Screen Look So Good You'll Want to Lick Them. Design Is How it Works." - Steve Jobs (Apple Co-Founder
Business Podcasts | Why Achieving Massive SUCCESS Is Not Normal + "You Have Enemies? Good. That Means You've Stood Up for Something Sometime In Your Life." - Winston Churchill (The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1940 to 1945)