2 months agoBible Study with Fred: 1Peter 1:6-9; loving Him whom you have not seenBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
2 months agoBible Study with Fred: 1Peter 2:13-25; don't use your liberty for a cloak of maliciousnessBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
2 months agoBible Study with Fred: 1Peter 2:4-12, Part Two; fleshly lusts warned againstBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
3 months agoBible Study with Fred: Acts 1-13; tongues like as of fireBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
3 months agoBible Study with Fred: Luke 24:13-35; part two, the road to EmmausBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
6 months agoBible Study with Fred; Luke 4:14-30; Jesus quotes Isaiah 61 in the synagogueBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
15 days agoBible Study with Fred, Proverbs, chapter 19, verse 29, the fate of the scornerBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
9 days agoBible Study with Fred, 2Timothy, chapter 4, verses 1 to 8, preach the wordBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
26 days agoBible Study with Fred, Proverbs, chapter 19, verse 19, the hot tempered foolBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
5 months agoBible Study with Fred; Luke 10:1-16, Christ gives a warning to the towns that reject HimBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
2 months agoBible Study with Fred; Acts 7:42-60; Stephen is stoned to deathBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
5 months agoBible Study with Fred; Luke 10:25-37, the good SamaritanBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
3 months agoBible Study with Fred; Luke 22:54-62, Peter denies that he knew Christ three timesBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
3 months agoBible Study with Fred; 1Thessalonians 4:13-18; the rapture of the church, part oneBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
3 months agoBible Study with Fred: 2Thessalonians 1:1-5; Paul greets the church at Thessalonica a second timeBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
1 month agoBible Study with Fred; 1Peter 4:12-19: what is persecution and what is notBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
22 days agoBible Study with Fred, Proverbs, chapter 19, verse 22, a heart to giveBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
2 months agoBible Study with Fred; 1Peter 1:3-5; a lively hopeBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
3 months agoBible Study with Fred; 1Thessalonians 2:1,2; Paul was badly treated at PhilippiBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
3 months agoBible Study with Fred: 1Thessalonians 5:6-10; watch and be soberBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
2 months agoBible Study with Fred: 1Peter 3:21-22; Christ has all power in heaven and earthBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
5 months agoBible Study with Fred; Luke 13:31-35; part two; O Jerusalem, JerusalemBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
3 months agoBible Study with Fred; Acts 1:12-26; the disciples return to JerusalemBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified
3 months agoBible Study with Fred; 1Thessalonians 1:1; Paul's introductionBible Commentary, my cats, family, exercise, and other things that interest meVerified