5 years agoTruck Camping: SIMPLE tip for dealing with cold air seepageOff-Grid Backcountry Adventures
2 years agoJuly 17, 2006 🎺 The Lord says... If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed... Trumpet Call of GodTrumpet Call of God
2 years agoBLESSED IS THE MAN WHOM THE LORD CHOOSETH: THERE ARE MEN THAT COME INTO THIS GOSPEL & ACT LIKE THEY WOKE THEMSELVES UP….THEY BECOME PROUD!!🕎1 Corinthians 3;1-11 neither is he that planteth any thing or watereth; but God that giveth the increaseRoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144
2 months agoYOU WON'T BELIEVE YOUR EARS Kenny Rogers "Lady" First Listen REACTIONRed Dawn Daily With Dawn Marie
2 years agoJuly 8, 2005 🎺 The Lord says... All shall reap what they have sown... Be it Good or EvilTrumpet Call of God
2 years agoNov 3, 2009 🎺 The Lord says... This is the Word from My Mouth and it is foremostTrumpet Call of God
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