Elon Musk | "Department of Government Efficiency, DOGE. I Kind of Like DOGE. Look At All of the Federal Agencies." - What Is a DOGE? + Italian Word DOGE Is a Title That Means "Leader" (Highest Official of Venice Republic for 1,000 Yrs)
General Flynn & Dr. Mikovits | W.H.O. Declares Global Emergency Over New Mpox Outbreak!!! Klaus Schwab, Yuval Noah Harari, Peter Thiel, King Charles, Putin, Tedros & Kamala Harris In Their Own Words + Dollar Collapse?
Hegelian Dialectic | "Thesis, Antithesis & the End Result Is the Synthesis Through the Middle That They Sought All Along. Very Good At Giving You Left Argument, Right Argument..Wings of the Same Bird." - Francis Hunt (8/7/24)
Swarm Drones | "If A.I. Has a Goal & Humanity Happens to Be In the Way It Will Destroy Humanity As a Matter of Course, No Hard Feelings." - Elon Musk + What Is the U.S. Military's LOCUST Program? Revelation 9:3? What's Palantir?
Yuval Noah Harari | "Tell Us the Story Why It Was Decided That This Huge Book Should Be Represented In the Book Shop By a Pigeon?" - Robin Ince | "In Hebrew, the Word for Dove Is Also Pigeon." - Yuval Noah Harari | Matt 24:37
Alex Jones | "We Are Going to Help This Country March Forward to Victory." - General Flynn + "Before the Flood, the Earth Was Filled With Perpetual Violence & Wickedness & the Word for Perpetual Violence & Wickedness In Hebrew I
General Flynn | Biden Drops Laptop Lawsuit Against Giuliani, Biden Press Secretary KJP Claims Biden Videos Are “Deep Fakes,” Petrodollar Deal Ended? Will Biden Be Dem Pres Pick? "We Will Have a Bird Flu Pandemic" - Redfield
Bird Flu | "At the Beginning of Any Pandemic, Everybody Tries Everything. We Remember Being Told Everything Is Fine. Only Five People Have It. This Isn't Going to Go Any Further." - Senator Mitt Romney (May 15th 2024)
Swarm Drones | "If A.I. Has a Goal & Humanity Happens to Be In the Way It Will Destroy Humanity As a Matter of Course, No Hard Feelings." - Elon Musk + U.S. Military's LOCUST Program? What Is Palantir? Revelation 9:5-11