8 months agoCliff High - Big Spike in Emotional Tension! Big "Event" to happen mid July! (Substack Audio File)100thMonKeeZ
15 days agoClif High UPDATE The Best Interview - Clif High & Dick Allgire - RVing a Joe Rogan-Trump InterviewNew Q+ Trump-military forces.
3 months agoClif High And Dr. Lee Merritt- The Biggest Disclosure Yet - This Changes Everything!!!Clif_High
5 months agoCliff High - Welcome to the Maelstrom! The First Wave will hit the "Normies!"100thMonKeeZ
5 months agoCliff High - The Veil is thinning! Jewish Weather Weapons being used on Us! Part 2100thMonKeeZ
4 months agoCliff High - Connotation Collision ... Hey, get that out of my denotation! (Substack Audio File)100thMonKeeZ
3 months agoCliff High - If government can't lie ... can it function? (Substack Audio File)100thMonKeeZ
2 months agoCliff High - Drones carrying radioactive dust? Alien Mother Ships? (Substack Audio File)100thMonKeeZ
4 months agoClif High New Great - You Won't Believe What I've Got To Show You In This Video - 10/26/24.Nesara Gesara
16 days agoClif High Urgent Emergency: The Disclosure That Will Change Everything & Exposes truthNew Q. SGH SG Anon
7 months agoCliff High - Beware Energy Healing Tech! Data shows "Mass UFO Sightings!" (Substack Audio File)100thMonKeeZ
8 months agoCliff High - The other Physics! Space Aliens! July 15th/16th! (Substack Audio File)100thMonKeeZ
1 year agoCliff High - We are at WAR with the GODS (Elohim) of the Jews! (Substack Audio File)100thMonKeeZ