The Dem/Rep-Lib/Con Journey is a MESS. Your Spiritual One Creates a Unique Timeline for You and Those Alike! — Tarot and Astrology Forecaster (TheJourneyHome) 𝐔𝐏𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄: Ban is Lifted, But Narrative/Timeline Hijackers Exist on Both Ends!
Sean David Morton Tells Stunning Prophecies for the Coming Days and Timeline Shifts We’ve Already Been Through! + He Heavily/Healthily Disagrees with Juan O’Savin, AKA Wayne Willott—A Somewhat Intense Conversation! (9/29/22) 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT
Dimensions & Densities: The Difference.. + 4D Explained, 5D Explained, and Developing Multidimensional Consciousness (Awareness of Organic Vs. Synthetic Timelines). | Sarah Elkhaldy, “The Alchemist”.
WATER SIGNS: Cancer / Scorpio / Pisces 💧 The Next 3 Months (Oct, Nov, Dec) — You May Have Met Your Soulmate, But it’s These Poisons Keeping You in Limbo. Upcoming Deep Shadow-Work Will Reconcile This. Major Processing and Integration Needed!