Dr. Paul Marik explains the dangers of a buildup of spike protein in the body, from inflammation to autoimmune disease. “The spike protein is probably one of the most toxic proteins the human body has ever seen.”
Alibaba's J. Michael Evans boasts at the World Economic Forum about developing an "individual carbon footprint tracker" to monitor what you buy, what you eat, and where/how you travel.
Singh just accused Canadian law enforcement of colluding with protestors to overthrow the government of Canada to install an unelected fascist leader. This guy has lost his mind. What’s really frightening is there are Canadians who actually believe him
Government Of Canada Document Admits To Use Of mRNA For Biodigital Convergence (IOB) - Documents Prove Government Contracted With W.E.F. For (KTDI) Known Traveler Digital ID
Concealed Crime: The Perfect Poison – Vaccine-Induced Murder... 5 Months Later Dr. Ryan Cole: “Instead of like a wildfire, where we see people pass away quickly ... we’re seeing more of a smoldering wildfire until the burden of disease ....
MYOCARDITIS; Numbers post injection up to 25,000 per million. Before covid Jabs were just 4 per million Dr. Peter McCullough; I saw a couple of cases in decades now I’m seeing it on a daily basis
Australian Dr. David Nixon reveals his findings of nanotechnology inside the COVID-19 “vaccines”, as well as microtech, which is larger than previous nanotechnology findings inside the vials. He also discusses how protecting the vials inside a faraday
Mother Knew of Dangerous Side Effects of The Covid Shots But Still Chose to Inject Her Son Who Developed Myocarditis ‘We knew this was a possibility, hearing the signals coming out of Israel’
100,000 people demonstrate in the Czech capital #Prague against high #energy prices, against the globalist elites, and against the self-destructive boomerang #sanctions of the #Russia embargo,