One of the reasons why the globalists are bankrupting and de-industrializing the west is because they want to make Ukraine the model for the 2030 agenda as demonstrated in Davos.
"Dr." Fauci on Gov. DeSantis convening an investigation into Covid vaccine injuries in Florida: "Vaccinations have saved 3.2 million lives, 18 million hospitalizations, and approximately $1 trillion in costs. #ROPE
Child Abuse: The Biden Admin Is Coming for Your Kids With Disturbing Proposed Changes to Title IX Dr. Peterson Pierre: "If you uphold biological reality, that is going to be considered a form of sexual harassment
An artificial womb that successfully grew a baby lamb. We are finally at the stage where we are playing God & the next stage will be large scale human clone production.
Australia is heavily involved in developing bioweapons, and when vaccine bioweapons are being created, they’re “exempt” from normal controls demanded by the Biological Weapons Convention. CSIRO has had a hand in creating 8 bioweapons with pandemic