1. Tower of London Guards marching up the steps #toweroflondon

    Tower of London Guards marching up the steps #toweroflondon

  2. Tower of London Guards marching #toweroflondon

    Tower of London Guards marching #toweroflondon

  3. Checking the uniform Royal Air force #toweroflondon

    Checking the uniform Royal Air force #toweroflondon

  4. The Horse tries to bite her hand #horseguardsparade

    The Horse tries to bite her hand #horseguardsparade

  5. inspection of the gurkha Guards #toweroflondon

    inspection of the gurkha Guards #toweroflondon

  6. Drunk man horse Guards parade #horseguardsparade

    Drunk man horse Guards parade #horseguardsparade

  7. Disrespectful tourist told off. Theses are real soldiers 17 November 2022 #toweroflondon

    Disrespectful tourist told off. Theses are real soldiers 17 November 2022 #toweroflondon

  8. A spectacular light And sound show #toweroflondon

    A spectacular light And sound show #toweroflondon

  9. Changing of the Guards female guard waiting command #horseguardsparade

    Changing of the Guards female guard waiting command #horseguardsparade

  10. Queen's Guard Shouts make way at women with headphones on #windsorcastle

    Queen's Guard Shouts make way at women with headphones on #windsorcastle

  11. Blues and royals. armed police. end of day #horseguardsparade

    Blues and royals. armed police. end of day #horseguardsparade

  12. Make way for the Queen's Guard #toweroflondon

    Make way for the Queen's Guard #toweroflondon

  13. End of inspection Royal Air force #toweroflondon

    End of inspection Royal Air force #toweroflondon

  14. slow motion look at the tourist face make way #horseguardsparade

    slow motion look at the tourist face make way #horseguardsparade

  15. Royal air force changing of of the guard #toweroflondon

    Royal air force changing of of the guard #toweroflondon

  16. Kings guard shows Exelent control of is horse after horse starts to freak out #horseguardsparade

    Kings guard shows Exelent control of is horse after horse starts to freak out #horseguardsparade
