Peter Navarro | Peter Delivers Final Statements Before Reporting to Prison (3/19/24) + "If a President Does Not Have the Ability to Get Confidential Information In the Sanctity of the Oval Offices He Will Make Poor Decisions."
Top Harris-Walz surrogate Healy gets nuked over Kamala's claim that no active duty U.S. troops are stationed in combat zones: "You say she demonstrated her ability to be commander-in-chief, but did she not know...?"
MTG: Kids are confused about who they are because of social media and this billion dollars industry that mutilates the genitals of children is profiting off that
Woman Who Sent Photo of Young Girl’s Mutilated Body To 2020 GOP Election Official and Threatened The Life of Her 14-Yr-Old Daughter, FINALLY Receives Sentence—And It’s SHOCKING!