5 days agoEp. 243 Daredevil: Born Again (Eps. 1 & 2) I’ll just give it a “meh”… It’s not BAD, def not GREAT!SpotofNerd
9 months agoEp. 206 Battle of the TRAILERS! #theringsofpower VS. #houseofthedragon SEASON 2’s?!Spot of Nerd
2 months agoON AIR LIVE! Jan. 6th 2025: Starting ANEW! It's CONFIRMATION DAY! #wallaceandgromit is EPIC & 250!?Spot of Nerd
2 months agoON AIR LIVE! Jan. 14th 2025: Is the CULTURE WAR still going? & #landman is EPIC!Spot of Nerd
1 month agoEp. 236 America’s NEXT REVOLUTION! Inauguration Day with your 47th President, Donald J. Trump!Spot of Nerd
1 month agoEp. 237 Landman (On Paramount Plus) A show on par with the likes of #breakingbad = EPIC!Spot of Nerd
1 month agoEp. 238 I finally watched NOSFERATU… A MASTERPIECE in FiLmMaKiNg! Bloody BRILLIANT!Spot of Nerd
1 month agoEp. 239 TRUMP is doing FANTASTIC 4 only being in OFFICE several weeks! (See what I did there?!)Spot of Nerd
3 months agoEp. 233 Subservience (The REALITY of #ai coming to a FUTURE near you…) AND #meganfox YOWZA!Spot of Nerd
26 days agoEp. 240 #companion A Valentine’s Day movie that NO ONE should see… A.I. at its WORST! Cap 4 is NEXT!Spot of Nerd
3 months agoEp. 231 3 MOVIES! 5 MIN. EACH! #gladiator2 #redone #wicked (Is it Gwicked? Maybe Gicked…?!) Idk…Spot of Nerd
2 months agoON AIR LIVE! Jan. 10th 2025: California is LITERALLY being DESTROYED... Trump is once again right!Spot of Nerd
2 months agoEp. 234 EPIC TRAILERS! From 28 Years to Karate Legends! & Superman? (Where Hallmark meets the CW…)Spot of Nerd
1 year agoEp. 196 Dune: Part Two Review (Minor SPOILERS!) #duneparttwo Will helm as one of the GREATS!Spot of Nerd
1 year agoEp. 188 #RIPDoctorWho (As Queen says, “Another one bites the dust!”) But are we really surprised?Spot of Nerd
1 year agoEp. 197 #aquamanandthelostkingdom was GOOD!? And yes, we gotta talk about the #sotu… What a joke!Spot of Nerd
11 months agoEp. 200 BIGGEST EPISODE EVER! From #godzillaxkong, #transvisibility, #stellarblade, & so much MORE!Spot of Nerd
9 months agoEp. 208 #furiosa (Apparently a #madmax SAGA?!) WTF? “Please hang up and try again…”Spot of Nerd