2 years ago【 The Doctrine of Eternal Security 】 Pastor Roger Jimenez | KJV Baptist PreachingPreaching New IFB
1 year agoThe #Gospel / A message to #Calvinists #Calvinites / #kjv #KJV / If only they would stop #LyingINTJ_INTP
6 months ago#kjv #KJV | #Free_Grace | #Disgusting #Theology ?? | #Kevin_Thompson | #Bible_Talk_PodcastINTJ_INTP
1 year ago#Calvinism #Calvinist / #kjv #KJV / #Send_It_Viral /see @faithonfireministries @KevinThompson1611INTJ_INTP
3 years ago【 Dagon & the Plague of Emerods 】 Pastor Bruce Mejia | KJV Baptist PreachingPreaching New IFB
1 year ago#KJV Chat / #kjv #KJV / #Preterism #Synergism / #Novices take note/@KevinThompson1611INTJ_INTP
2 years agoCommentary on news articles (Eph 4:18-19 KJV & 2 Peter 2:14 KJV)KingJamesBibleBeliever1611
3 years ago【 Death of Hophni & Phinehas 】 Pastor Bruce Mejia | KJV Baptist PreachingPreaching New IFB