Dr. Bartlett + Dr. Mikovits | New Bat Lab In CO? "Denver Health Doctors Have Just Been Vaccinated with a LIVE Ebola Vaccine." - Dr. Bartlett + “In 1996 I Created the Cell Line That Manufactured Ebola Zaire At Fort Detrick.” - Dr. Mikovits
Elon Musk | Was the Neuralink Created to Help People That Struggle With Paralysis? "There Is 8 Billion People In the World. At Least a Few Billion Are Going to Want This (Neuralink)." - Elon Musk (October 28th 2024)
The Great Reset | "The Whole Agenda Is to Create a One World Government Where Everybody Has An RFID Chip Implanted In Them. All Money Is to Be In Those Chips. There Will Be No More Cash & This Is Coming from Rockefeller Himself." - Aaron Rus