2 years agoThis woman said "fuck you" to you for being unvaccinated. She was later found dead in her apartment.IwillAlwaysBeAgainstTheMandates
3 years agoTucker Carlson’s “Lets Go Brandon” (aka "Fuck Joe Biden") Segment That Will Leave You In TearsZarks
10 months agoLiz Crokin on Jay Z: "There’s no amount of money he can throw at this situation or Satanic spirit cooking he can do to stop this inevitable D5. Go fuck yourself, Hova!"CrimeOfAllTime
1 year agoOutside Catalina Cruz Office Calling for her to Condemn Juan Ardila and to Have Juan Ardila Resign.ChristopherLeonJohnson
1 year agoGreg Reese: Q TRUST THE FUCKING 'PLAN'! - Q Secrets Revealed! (Reloaded) [->May 1st, 2020<-]KimOsboel
5 months agoBlackPilled: The RNC Position Has Always Been 'Fuck White People - They Don't Win Elections'ChrisR200