1 year agoCan You Get to the “Root Cause” of Illness Without Looking at Genetics?Health Biz and Politics
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4 years agoVirus hysteria sets up go-time for globalists socialism-Cheryl Chumley-Washington Times Opinion Ed.FREEDOMHUB
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3 years agoEach of us sells when exchanging value with others; You need to know the CONSCIOUS way to do it!FREEDOMHUB
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3 years agoInstead of Simplifying - Taxes Biden Expands the IRS - Dan Pilla – Founder – Tax Freedom InstituteFREEDOMHUB
4 years agoPost Trump-Biden debate, don’t waste your vote! Steve Dasbach - Jorgensen Libertarian Pres campaignFREEDOMHUB
3 years agoAlmost every European country stopped this assault on our health - why hasn't the US?FREEDOMHUB
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4 years agoAmerica from Republic into Empire when? Thoreau answered 175 years ago-Danny Sjursen-ret. Army MajorFREEDOMHUB