EVEN ROSEANNE KNOWS IT—Preparing for Communications Shutdown/"Cyber Attack"/Black Swan Event! | Chris Hoar on The Roseanne Barr Podcast: Bonus Episode!
The Attempted Hijacking of the Spiritual Community Through [the Either Awfully Naive —OR— Fake “Guru” Sold Soul] Jay Shetty; the Like-Oprah Law of Attraction Exploiter! | Full Michelle Obama Interview with Jay Shetty
We Do Not Warn of False Flags to Predict Horrible Events, We Warn of False Flags to Prevent Them! — False Flag Warnings for Martial Law in the USA Through War with Russia! | Greg Reese Report
Former FBI and Ex-Military Reveals the Fate of America—IT WILL FALL AND FAIL, But the Phoenix CAN Rise From the Ashes, Removing the U.S. Corporation and Rebuilding America the Republic. | WE in 5D: AT THIS STAGE This is the Bottlenecked Timeline Left.
So Many Spiritual Teachers Won't Bother with Social Media, NOR the Ever Popular "Petty Tyrants" or "Agent Smiths" in Their Emotional State of Reaction (Many of YOU in the Comments). | Darius J. Wright
Indie R's Speakeasy Podcast: Episode 3 | Creating Your Reality Even in These Tough Times, Trump Fan Vs. Trump Supporter (Requires Context), Trump Stuck Between Two Versions of Technocracy, Sexuality, Shadow & Hypocrisy, CIVIL WAR(?), and More!