SG Anon joins us the first 90 minutes then freeflow. Current Events, Entertainment World, Israel, Bridge Collapse, Petro Dollar, Humanity, Unity, Consciousness. Links below! TruthStream #251
Katt Williams | "Hollywood Is Not Really There to Entertain You. Show Me One Person (Man) That Ever Wore a Dress Unsuccessfully? I Knew That In the Ritual of Baphomet the Transgender to Show Allegiance to Him You Had to Kiss His ____."
Clay Clark Client Testimonials | "At First I Was Skeptical. I've Learned About the Importance of Time Management Skills & to Have Systems In Place to Grow Your Business. It's An Amazing Energy In Here! It's Very Entertaining!"
Dr. Stella Immanuel | Baphomet? What's the Connection Between Baphomet & Hollywood? "Hollywood Is Not There to Entertain. Hollywood Is There to Detain You. Most of the Things In Hollywood Are Designed to Program People" - Dr. Stella