1. Daily Scripture and prayer | Psalm 14 |Today's Thoughts - Jesus the world thinks of never lived?

    Daily Scripture and prayer | Psalm 14 |Today's Thoughts - Jesus the world thinks of never lived?

  2. Daily scripture and prayer | Psalm 8 | Today's Thought -The difference between God and man...

    Daily scripture and prayer | Psalm 8 | Today's Thought -The difference between God and man...

  3. Daily scripture and prayer | Psalm 10 | Today's Thought - No sin goes without consequences...

    Daily scripture and prayer | Psalm 10 | Today's Thought - No sin goes without consequences...

  4. Daily Scripture and prayer | Psalm 3 |Today''s Thought: The God inside you is bigger than ...

    Daily Scripture and prayer | Psalm 3 |Today''s Thought: The God inside you is bigger than ...

  5. Daily scripture and prayer | Psalm 2 | Today’s Thought: what a man soweth that shall he also reap.

    Daily scripture and prayer | Psalm 2 | Today’s Thought: what a man soweth that shall he also reap.