moderna ceo: 'we took just 2 days to make the vaccine on the computer' - Because it is a software program not a 'vaccine' and the Proteins are the CPU's
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny + General Flynn | Why Did the CDC Hide 18 Million Serious Vaccine Injuries from America? Why Is the World Economic Forum Obsessed with Putting Technology Under Your Skin? CBDCs, Luciferase and the COVID-19 Shots (See Show Description)
Dr. Rashid Buttar | “People That Haven’t Had The Vaccine It Is Considered To Be A 11% Risk Factor In The Next 5 Years You Will Have An Event, When You Get The Vaccine It Goes Up To 25%.” - Dr. Rashid Buttar
CBDCs | Don't Want to Take the COVID-19 Vaccines? Are They Coming to Get Us? Is the Artificial Intelligence & Quantum Technology Needed to Implement the CBDC Quant System Here NOW?! Can the CBDC Technology Be Stopped?
Satan | Where Does Satan Dwell? Why Are the United Nations, the World Health Organization, GAVI (The Global Alliance for Vaccines & Immunizations), And the World Economic Forum All Based In Switzerland? Revelation 9:11 & Revelation 2:13