Yuval Noah Harari | "The Easiest to People to Manipulate Are Those Who Have a Strong Belief In Free Will." + "I Stand At the Door & Knock, If Any Man Hear My Voice, I Will Come In to Him & Will Sup With Him." - Revelation 3:20
Ray Dalio | "A Debt Death Spiral. That's Where We Are Approaching" + "People Don't Have Adequate Amounts of GOLD. When Bad Times Come, Gold Is a Very Effective...10-15% In the Portfolio Is Worth Giving Thought To."
Peter Navarro | "If They Come for Me, They Can Come for You." - Peter Navarro + "They Are Going to Try to Put Donald Trump In Jail. Can We Have a President Run from Prison? We Would Still Go for This Man." - General Flynn
Anointed Sister exposes Infamous John Hagee DENIES JESUS says HE didn't come as MESSIAH! Thousands of false preachers-prophets lead masses to a dark jesus & soon mark 666. Don't underestimate them