3 years agoCritical Thinking Rule #2: Break it Down (The 7 Checks of Critical Thinking) (CT Scan, Episode 3)Answers in Genesis Canada
3 years agoHow many kinds of animals were on the Ark? (Creation Basics, Episode 36)Answers in Genesis Canada
3 years agoWhere does the idea of alien life come from? (Creation Basics, Episode 38)Answers in Genesis Canada
3 years agoHow could Noah’s family look after all the Animals on the Ark? (Creation Basics, Episode 54)Answers in Genesis Canada
3 years agoWhere does the idea the earth is 4.5 billion years old come from? (Creation Basics, Episode 17)Answers in Genesis Canada
3 years agoFalse Teaching: Lie 2 – You Can Be Like God (CT Scan, Episode 42)Answers in Genesis Canada
2 years agoChristians - Which half of the Bible should you trust? -- (ep2 #shorts)Answers in Genesis Canada
3 years agoWhere are Christian missionaries needed the most? (Creation Basics, Episode 59)Answers in Genesis Canada
2 years agoWhat does evolution have to do with philosophy? (Creation Basics, Episode 67)Answers in Genesis Canada
3 years agoCould belief in evolution be linked to youth suicide? (Creation Basics, Episode 9)Answers in Genesis Canada
3 years agoWho gets to decide who lives or dies? (Creation Basics, Episode 34)Answers in Genesis Canada