10 days agoWestern Societies Have Collapsed, Especially Relative to 20 Years Ago: Boiling the Frog in Actionchycho
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2 days agoDownfall of Ireland Began by Allowing United States CIA Extraordinary Rendition Flights Post 9/11chycho
1 day agoNegative Technological Milestones This Century: Fallujah in 2004, a Prelude for What Is To Comechycho
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8 days agoFive TV Series Recommendations: Arcane, Solo Leveling, Scavengers Reign, Pantheon & Newtopia [Anime]chycho
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3 days agoTrump Does Not Want To Own Canada & Greenland, United States Just Needs To Control Them Economicallychycho
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18 days agoValidity of Political Theories Should Be Based on Outcome Not Intention: Communism & Centralizationchycho
18 days agoThe Way You Prevent Power From Centralizing Is by Holding Individual Liberty Above All Elsechycho
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