Vampires and Werewolves + They Have to Tell Us What They Intend to Do, or Do They? Satan Has to Ask for Permission in the Throne Room + Predictive Programming, 9/11, Cannibalism, Normalization Through TV/Movies etc.
Kestrel and Tanager Nodes, Luxembourg Cathedral is Notre Dame in Paris, 'Dear Ones' Refers to the Elites in the Brotherhood, Not the General Public + High Level Illuminati Stuck in US, Trump Grounded 757s, Monitoring/Watching the Water
Jessie and Her Training Partner's Ritual Names, Sunshine and Moonlight + Prophetic Book + April 24, 2020 Came & Went, The Ritual Didn't Take Place As Planned + Cathy Fox
Attacks Against Jessie Have Been Going on for Over 4 Years (Circa July 2021), These Attacks Have Escalated, Private Details Have Been Exposed, Lies Have Been Added + What is the Purpose of the Attacks?
Gloria Vanderbilt Created Scenes Depicting Suicide That Came True + People First Need to Understand the Depth of Evil To Understand the Justice That's Required + This Was Done To Them First + Beta Kitty Sex Slaves
Hunts, Fertility, Principalities Ba'al and Ashtoreth, Virgin Girls and Boys (And What That Actually Means in the System) + Events that are Made to Look Like a Fun Retreat, School Outings + Child Sacrifices Take Place