Bo Polny | Wo With Bo (Party 7) | Gold Hits All-Time High!!! (12.1.23) "UAE Made Decision to Move Away from U.S. Dollar In Oil Trade Dealings. Saudi Arabia (& China) Has Been Selling Its Holdings of U.S. Treasuries." + Russia to Chair BRICS
BRICS | "The Central Bank of the United States (The Federal Reserve) Quietly Hit a New Record, More Than $1 Trillion In Losses." + What Are Bail-Ins? What Is the CBDC Project mBridge? Why Did Saudi Arabia Join mBridge?
Il Culto Segreto a SATURNO,del cubo e del sole nero DOCUMENTARIO il cubo nero è la Kaaba l'edificio più sacro dell'islam e ha incastonata dentro la kaaba questa pietra nera ed è situato al centro della moschea di La Mecca in Arabia Saudita
Peter Doocy asks John Kirby how it has been determined that it's in national security interests to ask Saudi Arabia drill more oil, instead of letting oil companies drill more in the US