Dr. Richard Bartlett | “If Anything Kills More Than 10 Million People In The Next Few Decades, It Is Most Likely Going To Be A Highly Infectious Virus, Rather Than A War.”
Yuval Noah Harari | Hacking Humans | Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Stating, "Most People Will Be Willing to Give Up Their Privacy for Much Better Health Care?"
Deborah Birx | "The Report That Said There Would Be 500,000 Deaths In the U.K. and 2.2 Million Deaths In the United States. They’ve Adjusted That Number In the U.K. to 20,000. So Half a Million to 20,000." - Deborah Birx
Climate Change | "We Are Still 162 Million Tons Into It Every Single Day And the Accumulated Amount Is Now Trapping As Much Extra Heat As Would Be Released By 600,000 Hiroshima Class Atomic Bombs Exploding Every Single Day - Al Gore
Yuval Noah Harari | "Hitler and the Nazis Knew They Needed Millions of Poor Germans. But, May Be Entering Into an Era Where the Masses Are Not Useful for Anything."
Jim Breuer | “I’m Gonna Release My Special, No Publicity, Not Gonna Tell Anyone, We Are Just Going To Dump It On YouTube. It Now Has 1.2 Million Views.” - Jim Breuer
Anthony Bass | Why Do Captured People Say the Strangest Things? | Professional Baseball Player, Anthony Bass Apologized to Protect His $3 Million Annual Salary. Bass Shared a Video to His Instagram