Royals, High Priests and High Priestesses, Bilderberg Group + It's Time For Truth, Time For the Crimes To End + The Miracle of Getting Out of the System
Kanye's Sunday Services, Rhythms & Frequencies Familiar to Jessie from Childhood, "Witchy Force" + Sunshine (Jessie's Ritual Name), Lucifer's End-Time Agenda & Role Jessie was Meant to Play Opening All the Spiritual Gates
Florida Event and New Orleans + Baphomet Statue in Voodoo Shop, Baphomet Represented by Transgenderism and Homosexuality + EMF Detector, Sending Energy
Droel Law Firm, Unlawfully Unsealed Jessie Czebotar's Affidavits + Jessie Names Mike Pence, John Kerry, The Cheneys, The Clintons, George Bush (Senior and Junior), Ronald Reagan
Q&A Are Some Luciferians Mad About Healing After Battles? + Some Witches and Warlocks Have Been Named Already + Is Donald Trump the Anti-Christ? (Spoiler Alert: No)