2 months agoBEWARE! They Use Global Warming, If Any, to Hide Macroclimate Change on FE and Manipulate the MassesLiberty TV
2 months agoFlat-Earthers Have Empirical Evidence of the Flat Earth and True FE Map! All Nations Can Declare FE!Liberty TV
2 months agoNIKON P1000 DISCONTINUED! They Don't Want You to Find Out Earth Is Flat and Moon Is a Flat-Earth MapLiberty TV
1 month agoSelenetical Physics, Vols. 1 and 2: Empirical Evidence of the True Flat-Earth Map on the Plasma MoonLiberty TV
1 month agoThe Plasma Moon Mirrors All Continents in Real Time, Showing Earth Is Flat. It's a Flat-Earth Proof!Liberty TV
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2 months agoTRUE COSMOS: Plane Earth Is within Planes Mars, Jupiter, Saturn & Uranus! Round Planets Are a Hoax!Liberty TV
2 months agoThe True Flat-Earth Map Is Displayed on the Plasma Moon! They Are Afraid of This Truth Getting Out!Liberty TV
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2 months agoBEWARE! UN/AE/Gleason-Map Gatekeepers Give the Masses Only One Quarter of the Flat-Earth Truth!Liberty TV
2 months agoBEWARE! They Use Fake Flat-Earth Maps to Deflect the Masses from the True FE Map on the Plasma MoonLiberty TV
2 months agoAlex Newman Exposes the Strategy of the NWO Cabal to Establish a Totalitarian One-World GovernmentLiberty TV
3 months agoThe Moon Resembles the Plane Earth Right beneath It -- Continents in TRUE POSITION and SAME SIZE !!!Liberty TV
2 years agoThe Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion “Progress after 100 years?”Paula Loves Children ❤️
3 months agoJeran Campanella Blames Eric Dubay for Introducing the UN/AE/Gleason False Flat-Earth Map in 2014Liberty TV
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