The Illuminati and Their Minion Libs Have Worked Hard to Bankrupt Donald Trump.. WAIT TIL THEY SEE THIS! | WE in 5D: The Universe Supports Your Every Truthful Need; You Don't Need to Be Donald Trump—You Need to ABORT Arguing for Your Limitations.
WATER SIGNS: Cancer / Scorpio / Pisces 💧 The Next 3 Months (Oct, Nov, Dec) — You May Have Met Your Soulmate, But it’s These Poisons Keeping You in Limbo. Upcoming Deep Shadow-Work Will Reconcile This. Major Processing and Integration Needed!
Why Earth is So Corrupt — RJ Spina | Frustrated Interviewer Says There Needs to Be an Intervention By Benevolent Beings, RJ Says NOT GONNA HAPPENNN... [WE in 5D: Let Me Add; So, Cut the Crap, You Are and Will Continue to Be Fully Responsible!]