1. 9-4-22 - The Lord Aims to Get Everyone's Attention - Burbank, CA

    9-4-22 - The Lord Aims to Get Everyone's Attention - Burbank, CA

  2. Beatitudes / Deception

    Beatitudes / Deception

  3. 8-28-22 - The Church's Greatest Hour During Perilous Times - Burbank, CA

    8-28-22 - The Church's Greatest Hour During Perilous Times - Burbank, CA

  4. 10-9-22 - Open Heaven/What I've Learned from 47 Years of Marriage - Burbank, CA

    10-9-22 - Open Heaven/What I've Learned from 47 Years of Marriage - Burbank, CA

  5. NWO: Supply chain management collapse leading to empty shelves & massive price hikes (2)

    NWO: Supply chain management collapse leading to empty shelves & massive price hikes (2)
