Trump for Speaker of the House? Trump for Speaker of the House with a Mission To: 1. Call Out the Satanic Agenda 2. Defund the Swamp 3. Investigate the DEEP STATE (See Show Description for DETAILS)
Yuval Noah Harari | "It's Not a Human Being That Decides, It's An Algorithm That Decides Whether to Give You A Loan. We Will See This In More and More Areas. Increasingly Your Fate Is In the Hands of an Algorithm." - Yuval Noah Harari
(June 1995) Senate subcommittee on US Militia's: Robert Fletcher on OKC John Doe#2 identified, Shadow Government, The New World Order Utilizes Weather Tampering Techniques To STARVE the Population (Please read description box first)
Great Reset | "When I Saw Not Only My Country Locking Down, But Dozens of Countries Locking Down At the Same Time That Was Proof of a Super National Operation." - Michael Yeadon (Former Scientific Researcher And a Vice President At Pfizer)