2 years agoBest SciFi Storytime 1576 - A Midwinters Night Report & Postmortem | HFY | Humans Are Space OrcsAgro Squerril Narrates
2 years agoBest SciFi 1572 - The Cat Is Isn't The Problem & Terran Old Guard |HFY| Humans Are Space OrcsAgro Squerril Narrates
2 years agoBest SciFi Storytime 1496 - Human Babysitter & Human Death | HFY | Humans Are Space OrcsAgro Squerril Narrates
2 years agoBest SciFi Storytime 1525 - Strange Aeons & The Temples of Humans | HFY | Humans Are Space OrcsAgro Squerril Narrates
2 years agoBest SciFi Storytime 1536 - Space Boogaloo & So, You're Afraid Of The Dark | let's read r/HFY |Agro Squerril Narrates
2 years agoBest SciFi Storytime 1579 - The Three Great Motivators Of Humankind & Tides Turn | HFY | Run Xeno'sAgro Squerril Narrates
2 years agoBest SciFi Storytime 1532 - The New Knights of the Round Table & Jonathan And Martha | HFYAgro Squerril Narrates
2 years agoBest SciFi Storytime 1586 - The Solar Wall & The Song Of Humanity | HFY | Humans Are Space OrcsAgro Squerril Narrates
2 years agoBest SciFi Storytime 1493 - Humans Are Explosive & Rebirth | HFY | Humans Are Space OrcsAgro Squerril Narrates
2 years agoBest SciFi 1556 - Survive, Little Ones, Survive & We All Bypassed Fusion, the Humans Didn't | HFYAgro Squerril Narrates
2 years agoBest SciFi Storytime 1515 - The Hollowing & The Wandering Race | HFY | Humans are space orcsAgro Squerril Narrates
2 years agoBest SciFi Storytime 1517 - Human Adaptability & Hugs | HFY | Humans are space orcsAgro Squerril Narrates
2 years agoBest SciFi Storytime 1491 - Someone To Love or Human life advice| HFY |Agro Squerril Narrates
2 years agoBest SciFi Storytime 1584 - Beware Of The Silly Ones & Connection Lost | HFY | Humans Are Space OrcsAgro Squerril Narrates
2 years agoBest SciFi Storytime 1589 - Flagship & Bringing In The Big Guns | HFY | Humans Are Space OrcsAgro Squerril Narrates
2 years agoBest SciFi Storytime 1523 - Message In A Bottle & Us | HFY | Humans are space orcsAgro Squerril Narrates
2 years agoBest SciFi Storytime 1521 - The Terran Accountant & The Sound Of Human Music | HFY | DeathworldersAgro Squerril Narrates
2 years agoBest SciFi 1555 - Deathworlder Pain Resistance & Human FTL is Insane | HFY | Humans Are Space OrcsAgro Squerril Narrates
2 years agoBest SciFi Storytime 1516 - The Secret Society & The Face of his Tormentor | HFY | Terrans are OPAgro Squerril Narrates
2 years agoBest SciFi Storytime 1522 - The Final Puzzle & Dragon Rule | HFY | Humans are space orcsAgro Squerril Narrates
2 years agoBest SciFi 1541 - I Think We Underestimate The Size of Humans... & Humans Have Zero Chill... | HFYAgro Squerril Narrates