HEY YOU.. 1st Love Yourself, and Remember That Nothing Else is Real. Poets and Prophets Will Envy What We Do!—A Reminder to Starseeds and Lightworkers. “Hey You” by Madonna.
Roseanne and Jim Breuer Keeping' it Real! | WE in 5D: Roseanne's Most Recent Interview was with Candace Owens—Look for it on Her Channel; I Myself Wasn't Interested, so I Bring You This Instead!
The Infamous Alex Jones Song “I’m Angry”. | When Someone put Music to Alex’s Real Words to Make fun of Him, Alex put Video to the Music and Showed—#AlexWasRight
Because WW2 Was Never Fully Integrated Humanity May be on a WW3 Timeline. Matías De Stefano KEEPS IT REAL with You! A WW3 Doesn’t Mean [You] Don’t Have Divine Protection. | Know Thyself Podcast (Full Interview Linked in the Description ⇩)
Fake News, or Actually Real? I Mean, Even if Real, What Person Asks a Young Adult ‘Why Your Dad, is Your Dad Your Superhero?’ That Infantile Babying Question Will Make Most Laugh—When the Truth is Over 50% Probably Can’t Wait to Escape Them!