2 years agoAgema doet 5 voorstellen, volledige oppositie steunt, maar alles wordt afgeschoten door de coalitie.BLCKBXVerified
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1 year agoFleur Agema luidt NOODKLOK! 'Mensen worden ZIEK door armoede!' Regering weigert debat!LOUDLABSMEDIA
4 years agoGeert Wilders Slams Dutch PM: ‘You have imported a monster called Islam into our country’RAIRFoundationUSA
3 years agoGeert Wilders Slams Netherlands PM for Trying to Force Sexual Propaganda on Hungarian ChildrenRAIRFoundationUSA
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10 months agoGeert Wilders PVV Leader “We have imported a monster into Europe and this monster is called Islam”'Sledge81 News& Opinions