17 days ago[Oct 29, 2024] Fantasia PODCAST w Flat Earth Dave - The Old World & Flat Earth [Flat Earth Dave Interviews 2]Flat Earth Dave Interviews
11 days ago[Pat Gray Unleashed] Does the Government Patrol the North Pole? | Flat Earth Debate [Jun 30, 2023]DITRH Interviews
10 days ago[Pat Gray Unleashed] If the Earth Is Flat, Why Is the Government Hiding It? | Flat Earth Debate [Jul 3, 2023]DITRH Interviews
1 month ago[Oct 27, 2024] Is the Earth Really Flat? David Weiss Explains the Plane Truth Behind Flat Earth Theory [Codega's Codex of Curiosities]Flat Earth Dave Interviews
17 days ago[Nov 6, 2024] The Journey PODCAST w Flat Earth Dave [Flat Earth Dave Interviews 2]Flat Earth Dave Interviews
14 days ago[May 22, 2024] Jesse Lee Peterson why can we see farther than expected? On a #flatearth [DITRH SHORTS]Flat Earth Dave Interviews